The 5 Stages of the Audition Process
1. You receive an audition.
- Acknowledge the first thoughts that come to you, both positive and negative.
- Be aware of how these thoughts alter the feeling in your body and your consciousness.
- These thoughts might be about your ability, the role, or the audition process itself. Awareness of these thoughts can give you insight into the state of your brain as you prepare for the audition.
- Take a deep breath and let your body breathe by itself. Now make the necessary thought adjustments to increase clarity and confidence.
2. You prepare for the audition.
- Read sides in a relaxed and gentle manner. Locate the underlying dynamics and core thoughts(non-contextual) of each scene. Ask yourself: A) Where or when have I experienced anything like this before. B) Where or when have I known anyone to have gone through anything like this before and C) Where or when have I seen anything like this in a film or TV show before.
- Set clear goals for the audition: including Why You? What of “yourself” do you have to share with casting that is unique to you and your life experience.
- Notice any negative thoughts or physical tensions that arise during preparation and make the thought and physical adjustments to overcome them.
- Remember no one is forcing you to do this. It was your choice.
3. You get ready to perform the audition.
- Prior to the audition, take a moment to find that place of stillness within yourself and focus on your breathing.
- You can use the breathing blog exercises on the LB Acting Studio website or your own relaxation exercises(rituals). Offset your internal judge and prosecutor with a good defence attorney or advocate from within who will remind you that you’ve done quality and positive work before and you will again. This will manage any performance anxiety that arises.
- Make any necessary physical adjustments to increase your desire, your readiness and confidence.
- Remember no one can do what you can do.
- Remember your character doesn’t want to book the part. They want what they want. They sometimes don’t even know that until the moment arises out of the action.
4. You perform the audition (live, self-tape, or via Zoom).
- You can breathe out the tension(the poison breath), but always start speaking on the breath.
- Focus and concentrate on what you have to share with Casting not what you want for yourself.
- Stay present during the performance by accepting it is “Better to be real and wrong than fake and right” Let your body breathe on its own terms and surrender to the flow.
- React to what is being said to you not the cue word
- Be aware of the areas where you may struggle and on the thoughts and physical tensions that contribute to your struggles: Release them.
5. You debrief after the audition.
Make a note of the thoughts and physical tensions that contributed to both your
struggles and your successes. This can be in a journal, a digital document, or any
format that works for you. This practice of self-reflection can help you grow and improve
as an actor.
- Take time to reflect on the audition experience. Locate what you did well or worked first before you beat yourself up. Remember this: Let the Endorphins flow in first before the corrosive qualities of Cortisol kick in.
- Notate the thoughts and physical tensions that produced both struggles and successes.
- Identify areas for improvement and make notes on what worked well and what requires work.
- Practice what needs to be improved rigorously between auditions.
- Review these reflections before your next audition to learn from past experiences and enhance future performances.
- Remember PEOPLE DON’T FAIL IT’S WHAT THEY DO THAT FAILS. Don’t be a baby. Get up dust yourself off and get ready to do it again. You will always be at the mercy or blessed by your prep.
- Building and maintaining self-confidence is essential for actors to perform their best. Sport psychology techniques such as goal setting, positive reinforcement, and creating a supportive environment can build your self-confidence.
- These principles help to increase your odds of success at an audition.
- Our industry can be demanding and unpredictable. Developing resilience, coping skills, and strategies to bounce back from setbacks is essential.
- Different strategies to increase your odds of success at an audition work for different people in different ways. So it’s essential to find what works best for you. There is no magic bullet or easy path to fulfilling your dreams.