lb acting studio

Hear from working actors on their experience with LB Acting Studio

Shamier Anderson - LB Acting Studio Alumni

Shamier Anderson

At 18 years old, I was like X-Men’s Cyclops (without the goggles), and Lewis Baumander was Professor Xavier. He honed my skills and powers and made them intentional. It’s not an overstatement to say that he is the foundation of my career. I first met Lewis shortly after I grad­uated from Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts, in Scarborough. I was moving through the casting process for a TV series, and a cast member mentioned that Lewis could really help me with my audition. I was pretty arrogant at the time, with a chip on my shoulder, stepping into LB Acting Studio thinking this mysterious figure doesn’t know what he’s doing. I had all these ideas about how I wanted to play the audition scenes, and Lewis helped me let go. He’s very gracious and simple in his words; he taught me to relax, breathe, take the attention off myself and put it on my scene partner. He sat me down in a chair and was like, “Okay, run it once.” I ran it once. “Okay, do this and that,” he said. So I did. Then he told me that it was all right and to just go and do that and I would be fine. It was Mr. Miyagi Jedi shit. An hour later, I had my audition, and I booked the job on the spot. That was my first day working with Lewis, and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Nina Dobrev - LB Acting Studio Alumni

Nina Dobrev

I have taken Lewis’ classes and worked with him one on one. He encourages and shows his students how to shed the ‘acting techniques’, formulas and bad habits" they may have acquired and gives his students the freedom to just be. A fresh start, free of judgement and open for opportunity. I have learned and become so much more comfortable and confident in my work, because Lewis has encouraged me to search for the truth in each character. Lewis is an incredible coach and extraordinary person Thank you, Lewis.
Sara Waisglass - LB Acting Studio Alumni

Sara Waisglass

There’s a reason I’ve studied at LB Acting Studio for almost half my life. The coaches at LB go above and beyond to encourage you. They recognize your strengths as soon as you walk in the door, and they personalize their training plans to build on the skills you already have. They support you as you push yourself further as an actor and as a person and they foster confidence by providing a safe space to be bold and make mistakes. The community itself is a gift. There’s not a single person at LB I feel I can’t confide in about industry concerns and performance insecurities. The coaches have built me up every time I’ve lost faith in myself, and they keep me grounded and humble through every success - but always celebrate my victories with me. There’s no place I’d rather grow than at LB!