LB Acting Studio Alumni Tomaso Sanelli

Featured in Longing, Thanksgiving, Holly Hobbie, Dark Web: Cicada 3301, Titans, Shadowhunters: The Immortal Instruments, Murdoch Mysteries, Dark Matter, Ra

When I started training at LB, I was 12 years old and still making an adjustment from theatre acting to film. Now that I’m 18 and making another transition from youth acting to adult roles, LB has been the guide which I needed to elevate my craft. Over the last 7 years, I’ve worked in classes, coaching sessions and self tapes with Steven Yaffee and Lewis himself. The impact LB has had on my ability, confidence and passion in acting is immeasurable.

The LB approach to coaching has always resonated with me. It provides genuinely useful thoughts that evoke my actor’s instincts (vs. making micro “technique” corrections).

When you’re in the room with Lewis, there’s a certain understanding which he provides to every session. He is always able to tie art into life and vice-versa. Through this, he’s been a fantastic coach and a wonderful mentor. His studio and coaches reflect the same thing. I can’t thank LB enough.