LB Acting Studio Alumni Corteon Moore

Featured in The God of Frogs, Guess Who, From, Slasher, Utopia Falls, Terror Train, Private Eyes,

My years at LB Acting Studio hold some of the most defining and valuable moments in my life as an actor. I began at the studio training with Steven Yaffee, one of the most resilient, passionate, and brilliant people I’ve ever met. With Steven, I learned how, as a young actor, I can hone my own emotions, translating them into not only something honest and pure, but also into work that would soon elevate my craft to be above the industry standard. I then began to train amongst my peers with Lewis Baumander; a modern day Jedi, who to this day continues to teach me how to deepen my connection with myself, and in turn the art of acting. Lewis’ methods are not based on “what the people want” or “how to get the job”, in my experience, his focus is on one thing: truth. I believe that for any actor, to grow, you must train – and I don’t believe there is a better studio in the world than LB Acting Studio.