Masterclass application

Apply to join the Masterclass program at LB Acting Studio.

Apply to the masterclass program via the masterclass application

Experience unparalleled acting training with our Masterclass led by renowned LB Acting Studio acting coach, Lewis Baumander. Our intensive Masterclass program is designed for serious, already working actors that are looking to refine their craft and achieve professional success in the film & television industry. Enhance your performance with targeted exercises and gain essential insights into professional acting dynamics, scene work and personalized feedback. Apply below to secure your spot in this exclusive Masterclass and take the next step in your acting career.

If you’re new to LB Acting Studio, please note that you will be directed to LB Foundations. Returning LB Actors can explore our wide array of available acting classes available in on-camera, audition, self-tape prep and other acting aspects. All actors are encouraged to explore the Masterclass Program offerings before applying to be sure that you’re qualified to join our most advanced acting program. Actors accepted to join are expected to be at an advanced level of acting experience and have substantial expertise in acting techniques in studio and on-set, as well as be consistently auditioning for series leads and series regular roles. If you feel that you fit the prerequisites for the Invite-Only Masterclass, you may submit the Masterclass application form below to be considered to join the next class.

Is the Masterclass Program at LB Acting Studio for you?

Ask yourself if you’re a fit and if not, don’t worry, there’s several other acting class options for your level of acting experience.

  • Are you regularly applying for TV series leads and TV series regular roles? 
  • Are you investigating scene texts closely ?
  • Are you ready to work closely with a scene partner? 
  • Are you ready to commit to rehearsal time outside of class? 
  • Are you preparing for the on-set experience? 

If you answered yes to most or all of these questions, you may be a fit for the Invite-Only Masterclass program. Submit our application form to find out or be directed to a class that fits your experience level.