Virtual Class Etiquette
Or the LB Acting Studio Rules of the House
We’re all in this together
Neutral Backdrop
If possible, have a blank or
neutral backdrop.
Prevent echo
To prevent echo, add some pillows or blankets to the room.
Be attentive
Make the commitment to be attentive online as you would be in-room.
Mute Yourself
To avoid distraction to your fellow students, mute your microphone when the lesson begins.
If you need to step out or take a break to do so only between actors working.
If available, zoom sessions are best experienced on a desktop/laptop.
Your environment will help you feel present and prepared. Aim to set up your computer, ipad or smartphone as if you were shooting a self-tape.
Afternoon class/Coaching: Sit infront of a window for soft natural light.
Evening class/Coaching: Find lights (desk lamps etc) that offer even lighting without casting shawdows across your face. Your laptop light may provide enough front facing light. Just be sure you’re not backlit.
Support your classmates when you’re the reader by looking into the camera vs at your screen. They will have you eyes to respond to while in the scene.
Lighting tips & Tricks
Window or Bounced light
Bounced light?
A powerful flashlight shining at a white wall will bounce diffused light back into you.